What are we doing in response to COVID-19

Higher Learning Child Care Academy is doing all that we can to minimize the risk of exposure to both the staff and the children in our centers. We are taking extra precautions and following the guidelines set by the state of North Carolina. Therefore, anyone showing signs of illness of any kind or who may have been exposed to COVID 19 cannot be in the child care facility. People with COVID-19 have reported a wide range of specific and non-specific symptoms of COVID-19.

Symptoms of COVID-19

  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Headache
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • New Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Skin rash

While symptoms in children are similar to adults, children may have mild symptoms. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. *Fever is determined by a thermometer reading of 99.9 or higher or by subjective signs such as flushed cheeks, fatigue, extreme fussiness, chills, shivering, sweating, achiness, headache, not eating or drinking.

  • Parents we ask that before arrival you be on the alert for any symptoms of COVID-19 and keep the child(ren) home if showing any signs of illness.
    • Parents are required to communicate their schedules with the office staff so that we can stagger arrival times. This will allow us to maintain social distancing.
    • If possible, we strongly suggest the same parent or designated person drop off and pick up the child every day.
  • Please call inside the center when you arrive for dropoff or pick up. A staff member will come to the door to assist you. Please do not come up to the door. Remain behind the designated line.
  • A staff member will greet the children outside as they arrive. Parents are asked to remain behind the designated line or in their cars until check in is completed. Children must walk into the facility unassisted. A stroller will be pushed out to the parents to secure infants and children who can not walk.
  • A staff member will then do a well check of the child. We will take the child’s temperature and a series of questions will be asked of both the parent and the child.
  • The child will then be allowed to wash his/her hands using the sanitation station. Parents will have to sign a form stating that their child can use hand sanitizer. When they enter the classroom, they will be asked to wash their hands prior to entering into play.

Prevent virus that causes COVID-19 from entering the building

  • Only children and staff who are required for daily operations and ratio inside the building and classrooms are allowed inside.
  • Our class sizes have been reduced to accommodate social distancing
  • All students and staff are required to wear a face covering. ( students ages 2 and under or individuals who have any high risk health problems are exempt from this rule)
    • When feasible, staff members will wear face coverings when in the child care facility and when unable to maintain at least 6 feet distance outdoors.
    • Face coverings are required for children over the age of 2 if it is determined they can reliably wear, remove, and handle masks following CDC guidance throughout the day.
    • Cloth face coverings should not be put on babies and children under the age of 2 because of danger of suffocation.
    • Each child should have at least 2 face coverings that will remain at the centers. Parents are required to provide these cloth coverings.
  • Children who have been on vacation to a different town or have been with other people for a period of time, may be asked to quarantine for 10 days to make sure they are clear of the disease.
  • Handwashing is imperative. All staff and children and staff are required to wash their hands frequently.
    • Upon arrival in the classroom in the morning
    • Before and after eating meals and snacks
    • After blowing noses, coughing, or sneezing or when in contact with body fluids
    • After toileting or changing diapers
    • Before and after playing on the playground

Children or staff who develop symptoms during the day

  • If a child or staff member develops any symptoms of COVID-19, they are immediately isolated and sent home as soon as possible.
  • While waiting for a sick child to be picked up, caregivers will stay with the child in a room or outside isolated from others. If the child has symptoms of COVID-19, the caregiver will remain as far away as safely possible from the child while maintaining visual supervision. The caregiver and the child will wear face coverings.
  • Children that present at daycare ANY symptoms of COVID-19, regardless of how mild, they are required to be excluded from daycare for 10 days.

Advice for those who have been excluded

For people who think they might have COVID-19 or have mild symptoms, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends they stay home and call their doctor if they need medical advice.

Anyone with more serious symptoms should seek medical attention immediately, by calling their doctor of 911 right away. More serious symptoms can include trouble breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion or inability to arouse, bluish lips or face.

People who are sick with COVID-19 or believe they might have COVID-19 should stay home and separate themselves from other people in the home as much as possible. They should be excluded from the child care facility until they can answer YES to all of the following questions?

  • Has it been at least 10 days since you first had symptoms?
  • Have you been without fever for three days (72 hours) without any medicine for fever?
  • Are your other symptoms improved?

Household members and people who have been in close contact with someone who has had symptoms of COVID-19 should stay home as much as possible for 14 days, monitor themselves for symptoms, and consult with their local health department. Close contact means within six feet for at least 10 minutes. If they start having symptoms of COVID-19, they should take the same steps as above to prevent spreading it.

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© Higher Learning Childcare Academy. Grace & Grit Marketing